01 | D.PHARM | 2 YEARS |
02 | B.PHARM | 4 YEARS |
Diploma in Pharmacy is a two years program with the basic objective of educating and training the students to serve as community pharmacists/hospital pharmacists. This is the minimum qualification to get registered as Pharmacist in India.
Bachelor of Pharmacy is a four years program that prepares students for career in pharmaceutical industry and research. The candidates having Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm.) qualification may join in the second year of B. Pharm. as a lateral entry. The students are exposed and trained in synthetic and natural chemistry and drugs, formulation development, quality control of drugs and formulations, screening of substances for pharmacological activities, and to a little extent in the pharmaceutical care process. The students also undergo focused training in the 'Practice School' being held at the college and 'Industrial Training' at an identified pharmaceutical industry for a specified period of time.
The required number of working days for each course consists of not less than the days as listed below
01 | D.PHARM | 180 |
02 | B.PHARM | 180 (2x90) |
A candidate is required to put in at least 80% attendance in theory and practical subjects Separately. The candidate shall complete the prescribed course satisfactorily to be eligible to appear for the respective examinations.
The student shall understand and possess required knowledge to demonstrate the ability and utilize scientific knowledge in Industrial Pharmacy career
The student shall be able to understand the dosage form designs like Oral Solid and Liquid Dosage Forms, Sterile Dosage Forms, External Applications, Semisolid Preparations and shall demonstrate the preparations during the practical sessions extensively.
The student shall be able to understand the importance of the in process tests for the dosage forms like Tablets, Powders, Capsules, Liquid Orals, Semisolid External Preparations, etc. Students shall learn and demonstrate the preparation during the practice sessions (Practical's)
Technology Transfer Knowledge base is being taught to the student during the curriculum and student shall demonstrate the same during their assignments as part of the career at Industry.
Knowledge on various Packaging materials and its importance shall be imparted to the students during the curriculum and student shall learn and demonstrate the requirement of stability for the dosage form through the packaging design.
Detailed understanding of the market shall be imparted to the student about Pharmaceuticals, medical devices, Biopharmaceuticals and radioactive substances during the curriculum and student shall learn and demonstrate the same during the internal and final evaluations
Detailed technological advancement in the manufacturing process, end point determination shall be imparted during the curriculum and student shall learn and exhibit this knowledge during the practical sessions.
Cosmetics technology know-how shall be imparted to the students and they shall demonstrate the application aspects during the practical assignment by making certain cosmetic dosage form like emulsions, creams and powders
Knowledge on the natural products and Photochemistry shall be imparted to the students during the curriculum and students shall learn the technique and exhibit the same during the practical learning and student shall be evaluated during the internal and final examination.
Communication Skills shall be imparted to the students during the curriculum and students shall demonstrate the ability communicate well through group discussion and during Viva-voce.
Good computer literacy shall be given during the curriculum and student shall demonstrate the learning during the internal and final examination on computer literacy.
These aspects shall be explored by group project work, assignments, quizzes, etc. Further, soft Skill training shall be imparted to the students and they shall be assessed during the campus placement and other platforms like debate competitions, group event, and Pharmacy week celebrations in the institutions.
The Sri lakshmi College of Pharmacy Affiliated To The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai